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Lufthansa Cargo flies relief supplies to Türkiye

Lufthansa Cargo flies relief supplies to Türkiye

Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777 freighter brings urgently needed relief supplies to crisis region. Donations in kind were collected from Turkish communities in Hesse and Baden-Württemberg.

Lufthansa Cargo and IRED receive German Design Award for Upcycling Collection

Lufthansa Cargo and IRED receive German Design Award for Upcycling Collection

From container to tray. Each piece is unique. - Former freight materials become attractive and original design objects for everyday life. Design and manufacturing "Made in Germany" in cooperation with the Frankfurt Institute for Recycling, Ecology & Design (IRED). Lufthansa Cargo supports social projects of Cargo Human Care e.V. in Kenya with the sale of merchandising articles.

Boris Hueske (left) and Nikola Todic (right); photo credit: Oliver Rösler, Lufthansa Cargo

Change in the management of heyworld

Boris Hueske and Nikola Todic newly appointed as Managing Directors Stronger alignment of same-day and eCommerce services of Lufthansa Cargo and heyworld

Lufthansa Cargo (credits Oliver Rösler)

Flying data and sustainable progress - Lufthansa Cargo on airfreight trends 2023

The global logistics market continues to experience turbulent times. Nevertheless, after three years in crisis mode, a normalizing market is in sight. Lufthansa Cargo is optimistic about the year 2023 and is positive about fundamental trends such as digitalization and sustainability as well as the associated challenges in airfreight.

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